Currency Exchange Valencia

Currency Exchange Valencia

As in all major Spanish cities, Valencia  has a spectrum of services for changing money. You can exchange foreign currency at banks, as well as at major stores, selected hotels and travel agencies. Unlike in most major Spanish cities, such as Barcelona or Madrid, Valencia is more skittish when it comes to travellers checks, although the city readily accepts all major credit cards – with the exception of American Express. When making a payment or converting money, show your ID or passport. Note that you’ll be charged extra on your card (called “commission fees”) each time you use an ATM, and that fees are higher (up to €5 or more), since you’re performing an international transaction. In addition, Valencia’s banks tend to charge their own fees and rates, plus a one-time €5 fee for using the ATM. You may want to ask your bank about international withdrawal fees, before you travel. Read on below about Currency Exchange Valencia.


Currency Exchange Valencia: Airport, hotels or Travelex counters

Airport, hotels or Travelex counters can be some of your most trusted spots for changing money. They’re also more expensive. Most hotels, restaurants and shops in Valencia accept the main credit cards such as American Express, VISA, Mastercard, 4B, Access y Diners Club.


Currency Exchange Valencia: Banks

The website Valencio Valancia advises that if you want to change money in Valencia’s banks, dress professionally to convey a good impression. With Valencia’s culture gap, some of its locals may distrust you, particularly since its society tends to prefer using cash to using banks. If you want to be served well and not shown the door, you’ll want to convey an air of professionalism and dignity.

All banks open Monday through Saturday, 8.30 am to 2.00 pm (except June through September, when they are closed on Saturday). A few banks will also open 9 am-midday on Saturday.

Valencia’s larger banks tend to give you better rates than its smaller ones, as well as being more flexible with your requests. For example, small branches have a much lower limit on how much cash you can exchange in one day. Most visitors prefer the banks located on Poeta Querol and Barcas, just off Plaza del Ayntamento towards Glorieta.


Currency Exchange Valencia: ATMS

If you want to change an unlimited amount of money, you may find the 24-hour ATMs or  currency exchanges more helpful than banks. This is particularly since some banks limit the amount of foreign cash they change, with the smaller banks tending to accept  around 300€ a day. If you tend to change money frequently, this can run you up quite a sum in rates!

All ATMs, as do banks, accept most International networks, such as Visa, Mastercard and so forth. They charge a fee of 1-2% but they’re your most convenient, and often cheapest, means of changing money in Valencia. Most of these ATMs such as (Servired, 4B, etc.) offer international services.


Currency Exchange Valencia:Bureaux de Change

Avoid Valencia’s street vendors when possible. Many, although not all, tend to scam tourists with dated currency or inaccurate sums. If you do use these forex converters, you’re likely to find cheaper rates in towns rather than in the smaller areas, since these traders tend to be more competitive. Tourists tend to like vendors for their long hours. You may find also some operations open on Sundays, usually 11:00-15:00.  One popular and trusted location is RIA Money Transfer & Change: Currency exchange, traveller’s checks and money transfers which is centrally located.


In Short: Currency Exchange Valencia

Banks, street kiosks and ATMs are your best choice for currency exchange in Valencia, with ATMs being the most hassle-free, convenient, and cheap. To avoid the stress of needing to change money in the first place, Frommer’s travel site advises that you carry at least two days-worth of euros with you before you travel.


If you have payables or receivables in foreign currency, or need to transfer funds internationally, or simply want to invest in foreign currency, Callaghan Financial  Services offers specialized services to assist you in managing your foreign exchange exposure. Contact us and one of our UK qualified advisers will be happy to answer all your questions.

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